Staff Spotlight -- Marianne Watson

Have you noticed that OHAAT's communication efforts have increased & improved this past year? We are thrilled to introduce our hardworking Development & Communications Coordinator, Marianne Watson. Learn more about her below!

Q: How did you first hear about OHAAT? 

I first learned about OHAAT from my friend, former boss, and long-time OHAAT volunteer, JoAnne Monahan. Teaching my three children about a commitment to the common good and the value of service to others is extremely important to me. It can be difficult to find organizations that give younger kids hands-on volunteer opportunities, but OHAAT is one of the ones that does. When my family moved from Philadelphia to Willow Grove, I was extremely excited to introduce them to OHAAT and volunteer with them at the warehouse.

Q: What do you enjoy most in your role as Development & Communications Coordinator?

Helping to raise the profile of OHAAT is one of the best parts of this role. OHAAT is actively helping children and families obtain a basic yet essential need--healthy, restful sleep. Spreading the word about the Beds for Kids program, helping raise support, and making those in need aware this resource exists is extremely fulfilling. Collecting feedback from families after deliveries is another incredible part of this role. Hearing about how sleep health has improved and how the bedtime bags have brought happiness is a great motivator. It’s also so beneficial to get feedback on ways the program can be adjusted to better serve families and achieve the best possible outcomes.

Q: What was your favorite book to read to your children at bedtime?

I Am Enough by Grace Byers is a favorite. It’s filled with empowering affirmations and gorgeous illustrations. The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors by Drew Daywalt was probably the kids favorite though. Epic battles and lots of opportunities for goofiness.

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